SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS A.*,(case when A.paid_exp>CURDATE() then 1 else 0 end) cur_paid, B.cname, as cat_id, C.iname, D.logo,,D.login_type,D.seo_url,MATCH (A.title) AGAINST ('"working within numerous sports teams and leading the gold duke of edinburgh award scheme group it skills in word"') as Relevance FROM vacancies A LEFT JOIN category B ON A.category_id = LEFT JOIN industry C ON A.industry_id = LEFT JOIN recruiters D ON A.recruiters_id = WHERE MATCH (A.search_title,B.cname,B.cpath,A.description) AGAINST ('"working within numerous sports teams and leading the gold duke of edinburgh award scheme group it skills in word"' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND (trim(replace(replace(replace(replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace(, ' ', '' ), '+', '' ) , '-', '' ) , '/', '' ) , ',', '' ) , '\'', '' ) , '"', '' ) , ';', '' ) , ':', '' ) , '.', '' ) , '_', '' ) , '*', '' ) , '&', '' ) , '^', '' ) , '%', '' ) , '$', '' ) , '#', '' ) , '@', '' ) , '!', '' ) , '''', '' ), '(',''), ')',''), ' ',' '))='working within numerous sports teams and leading the gold duke of edinburgh award scheme group it skills in word' OR trim(replace(replace(replace(replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace(A.county, ' ', '' ), '+', '' ) , '-', '' ) , '/', '' ) , ',', '' ) , '\'', '' ) , '"', '' ) , ';', '' ) , ':', '' ) , '.', '' ) , '_', '' ) , '*', '' ) , '&', '' ) , '^', '' ) , '%', '' ) , '$', '' ) , '#', '' ) , '@', '' ) , '!', '' ) , '''', '' ), '(',''), ')',''), ' ',' '))='working within numerous sports teams and leading the gold duke of edinburgh award scheme group it skills in word' OR trim(replace(replace(replace(replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace(A.region, ' ', '' ), '+', '' ) , '-', '' ) , '/', '' ) , ',', '' ) , '\'', '' ) , '"', '' ) , ';', '' ) , ':', '' ) , '.', '' ) , '_', '' ) , '*', '' ) , '&', '' ) , '^', '' ) , '%', '' ) , '$', '' ) , '#', '' ) , '@', '' ) , '!', '' ) , '''', '' ), '(',''), ')',''), ' ',' '))='working within numerous sports teams and leading the gold duke of edinburgh award scheme group it skills in word') AND ( IN ('England','Scotland','Northern Ireland','Wales') OR'' OR'United Kingdom') AND (A.date_expired>=NOW() AND A.date_posted>= CURDATE()-30) GROUP BY title,city,county,category_id ORDER BY (case when paid_exp>CURDATE() then 1 else 0 end) desc, Relevance DESC,A.title='"working within numerous sports teams and leading the gold duke of edinburgh award scheme group it skills in word"', A.date_posted DESC LIMIT 0, 21
Incorrect arguments to MATCH