Eight ways to find the best current job vacancies for graduates

Job hunting forgraduates can be tough. You only need to take a brief look at our site to seethat there are lots of currentjob vacancies for graduates to choose from. If you are trying to study for your finals, trawlingthough all the available jobs might seem a little daunting and some days youmay feel you are going around in circles.
When you aresending out lots of applications it can be easy to do the bare minimum in orderto show the potential employer that you meet the criteria of what they arelooking for. However, competition is so tough for each role at the moment, thatyou are going to have to go above and beyond to make sure you stand out fromthe crowd. Think about it like this, the way you handle the application processis one way of showing potential employers how you will handle the world of work– and so the more effort you put in, the better.
Take a deep breath, exhale, and let us help you get out of the rut you have found yourself in. We will show you eight ways to find the perfect job vacancy for fresh graduate like yourself.
Tip One:Network online
LinkedIn is notthe most popular social media platform among students, we know that, but itshould be if you are starting your graduate job hunt. Employers will think it’sgreat if you are already on there as a student, because it shows them that youare interested in the world of work. Don’t get ahead of yourself and startsending connection invites to all and sundry – this is the quickest way to getblocked! Instead, join a few relevant groups for the industry you areinterested in and comment on any relevant posts and you will start to buildyour connections naturally. The other thing you can do is to follow anycompanies you are interested in, and comment on their posts too.
Tip Two:Network with your family and friends
One of the mostpopular methods of recruitment these days is referral, as this is a great wayfor them to get access to employees who have been recommended by existingtrusted employees. So, to use this to your advantage you need to talk to yourfriends and family members who are already in employment in industries that areof interest to you. This can help you to find out about upcoming job vacanciesbefore they are advertised and can put you at an additional advantage if theperson will also recommend you.
Tip Three:Use search to your advantage
We shouldn’t needto tell you that the job market is evolving continually, and so there areprobably some jobs out there that you haven’t even heard of. Do you know what agrowth hacker is, for example, or a UX designer? It is worth spending a little bit of timesearching different sectors on Jobs for Graduates so that you are aware of whattype of roles are out there, and whether any of them are right for you.
One benefit ofthis, is that if you do decide to go down a career path that is not traditionalfor your chosen field of study then you may face less competition and so therewill be more opportunities open to you.
Tip Four: Beconfident
As we talkedabout in the introduction, the way you handle the application process andinterview will tell the employer a lot about you. For example, if you send in astandard CV and copy & pasted cover letter you won’t make anywhere near asgood an impression as someone who has emailed a senior member of staff to seeif they could meet for coffee to find out more about the role.
If you do go downthis route, though, you need to make sure you have done some serious in-depthresearch on the company. The last thing you want is to be caught out notknowing a lot about the company and why it is you want to work there – as thenall of your effort will be in vain!
Tip Five:Try an internship
If you are unsureof exactly what route you want to go down, then trying it out on an internshipis a great way to figure out whether it is for you or not. You definitelyshouldn’t undertake an unpaid internship, however, as they are against the law,
If the idea ofgetting some work experience before deciding which career is for you, then whynot get in touch with the company you want to work for and see if they can helpyou out with a short-term internship. You won’t get paid much, probably but youwill pick up some invaluable experience and make some contacts who may beuseful in your career later on. You may even end up with a paid position at theend of it if you impress.
Tip Six: Usea recruitment site
Scanning throughtons of websites trying to find just the right position can be hard work, butwe have done it all for you. Here at Jobs for Graduates we actively search forgraduate jobs on your behalf – helping you to find the right one for you muchmore quickly and efficiently.
Tip Seven:Check out some career’s fairs
Careers fairs area great way to meet some of the bigger companies face to face (and usually getsome freebies too). They will have paid for the stall in order to speak to jobseekers like yourself, so make sure you take full advantage of thisopportunity. You should use your local career fair as a networking event, speakto lots of companies in the industry you are interested in, and chat to themabout the application process, opportunities and so on. Make sure you take anote of the name and email of everyone you meet, and send them a follow upemail to say thank you for their time – another sure fire way to impress.
Tip Eight:Work for yourself
You don’t have toleave University and go and work for someone else – you can always work foryourself. There are lots of websites out there that have been set up to helppeople who are thinking about doing something like this – and they will giveyou excellent advice and support if you are thinking of starting up.
If you arelooking for the latestvacancy for graduatesthen look no further – Jobs for Graduates has all the opportunities you need.