Everything You Need To Know About Graduate Internships

So, you’ve finished your degree, waved goodbye to University and are ready for your first foray into the world of work. If you haven’t followed our advice and got a graduate job yet then don’t worry, you can look at doing graduate internships instead, as these could provide you with the necessary skills and experience perspective employers are looking for.
Work experience is fast becoming an essential experience for students to have, as more and more employees are using this as a deciding factor when it comes to offering graduate roles. Graduate opportunities therefore give you a competitive edge over other candidates.
What is an internship?
An internship is a period of employment offered to students by employers in order to give them a taste of working life which relates to their field of study. They can vary in length from a week to 12 months. Many internships are unpaid, but it is important to know what your rights are before you start.
The advantage of doing an internship isthat you will develop a lot of so-called soft skills which many employers findattractive. These can include things such as creative problem solving,communication skills, influencing skills, personal effectiveness andpresentation skills.
Internships are also great for helping youbuild up contacts within the industry, and you never know if you really impressyour employer, they may even offer you a permanent role. You should keepapplying for graduate roles throughout your internship though, don’t rest onyour laurels.
How do I get a graduate internship?
- Go directly to the company youwant to work for and see whether they run an internship programme. If you can’tfind anything on their website, try sending a speculative letter or emailexplaining why you want to work for them.
- Ask around within your network.Your parents may have a friend who works in the industry you want to work in,or a friend who works in a similar industry. It may not seem like astraightforward way to get an internship, but it is highly likely that someonewithin your circle will know of an opportunity that is perfect for you.
- Check out our job boards. Wehave lots of awesome intern roles for you to look through.
How to apply for a graduate internship?
When you are applying for a graduate internship, you should approach it in the same way as when you are applying for a graduate role. So, you need to tailor you CV and covering letter to the company and show them why you want to work for them and what you have to offer them.
Every application you make should showcase the qualities and skills that will make you an asset to the company. Some companies will specify exactly what they want from a graduate, but most companies are just looking for enthusiasm, an ability to work under their own ability, and who can adapt to new challenges easily.
What sort of tasks will a graduate internship involve?
Let’s get this out there right off the bat, yes there will probably be menial tasks you have to undertake such as photo copying and making the coffee. But if you can prove that you can do these tasks well and without complaining, then you will be given the opportunity to do other things. Grab the opportunity with both hands, talk to the team and find out more about the industry and they may also tell you about other opportunities or offer you some advice.
To find your next opportunity, whether it be a graduate internship or graduate jobs London take a look at our awesome job search, which you can narrow down by industry or location.